
Educational Operating Fund

Accelerated Schools’ Educational Operating Fund helps offset our operating costs. Your donation to the Educational Operating Fund will increase Accelerated Schools’ ability to provide our students with academic excellence.

Scholarship Fund

More children need our educational services, and we need more scholarship funds to help families meet the cost of private education. Your donation (no matter what size) will ensure that Accelerated Schools can provide more financial opportunities for youth to join our school and become successful in their educational endeavors.

Preservation Fund

Fitzroy Place also known as the Iliff Mansion is home of Accelerated Schools. Fitzroy Place is a Denver historic landmark and is on the National Historic Registry. As stewards for the buildings, Accelerated Schools is responsible for all three buildings on the property. The Mansion, the Carriage House, and the Caretakers House/Little House make up Accelerated Schools. Accelerated Schools is a non-profit organization and is a 501(c)(3) corporation. The school derives funding from tuition; however, the buildings and land do not have a funding source. As stewards for the land and buildings, we do fundraising events to maintain the building and grounds. Thank you for your consideration in helping our beautiful building as we continue to help students succeed academically.

If you prefer a cash or check method of payment. Make checks payable to "Accelerated Schools" and in the memo let us know how you would like us to apply your donation, "Educational Operating Fund", "Scholarships", or “Preservation”. Mail to 2160 S. Cook St. Denver, CO 80210. If you're experiencing problems with our donation link, please call 303-758-2003 or email [email protected].